We are hurrying to get things done before we leave on March 12. We can hardly believe our time as senior missionaries here in Belize is almost over. Seems like we just arrived here a few months ago.
This is probably our very last home evening with investigators. We enjoyed having Greg and Ruth, with their children Arlin, and Rosalie in our home. We talked about eternal families.
Belize City Branch enjoyed a Saturday outing at Old Belize, a local swimming and picnicking area.
Branch President Gordon enjoyed having some time to relax and catch a quick nap--something he rarely has time for.
Brother Belgrave enjoyed the sun, sand, and water. He also braved the very tall water slide.
Cinderella Primary children enjoyed learning about choosing the right on Sunday.
After Relief Society in Belize City Branch, the sisters gathered for a group photo. Sister Pattee presented the fourth Sunday lesson on Elder L. Tom Perry's conference talk, "Perfect Love Casteth out Fear". These sisters will be dearly missed.
Elder Pattee, Sylvia, Adilee, and Olga enjoy some porch time after dinner on Sunday afternoon.
On Tuesday all the missionaries in Belize got to meet with President Falabella. (He is seated on the second row, 3rd in from the left.) He is our area president and lives in Guatemala City. This photo was taken one year ago, the last time he came. (we weren't able to get a picture of him at Tuesday's meeting.)
He talked to us about overcoming challenges with investigators. Having the help of the Lord is the best solution. Just as Nephi and his brothers were unable to get the brass plates on their first two tries, when they had the Lord's help, they were able to obtain them.
Belize City Zone sang, "I Know that My Redeemer Lives"as a special number.
Always the missionaries enjoy seeing and visiting with each other after conferences.
We are getting all our Perpetual Education Fund files updated. PEF gives great hope and promise to young members her in Belize that want to study and train for better jobs. PEF enables them to get low interest loans for school.