November 21, 2010 A Frustrating Week

Monday, November 22, 2010

We spent most of our time taking care of problems related to Perpetual Education Fund this week. Tuesday and Wednesday were probably among the most frustrating and stressful days we've had since we came to Belize.  One of our main responsibilities in Belize is Perpetual Education Fund loans.  It is a wonderful program that provides school loans to many young people that would not be able to fund their education otherwise.  The program has pulled many young people out of a life destined for poverty. 

Our P E F program is run through Guatemala.  If we have questions, we try to contact someone there.  Sometimes they speak Spanish with just a little English.  Communication is a BIG problem.  Trying to find just the right person that can help us can be difficult.  A man named Reynado had been able to help us some.  Finally, later Wednesday afternoon, I found a woman named Lidia Beatrice that seemed willing to help us.  I explained the problem as best as I could.  Later she said sent us an e-mail with some information that really helped. 

The basic problem is that we have never been trained.  Not only is this program complicated, it also runs differently here in Belize than other places.  We have to be sure we do everything correctly, or there could be students that won't get their loan money in time for their school to be paid for their next semester. 

Fortunately PEF is not all we do.  A few days ago we took Elder John Rivas and his family to the airport.  He is going to Guatemala. 

He even asked us to have our picture taken with him.  He doesn't look very happy in these photos, but I think he was just a bit nervous.  He has been looking forward to being a missionary and was actually very excited to go.   Leaving home for the first time can be a bit overwhelming. 

The youth had a great activity on Friday.  It had been raining heavily all day, so I didn't bring our camera.  I wish I had.  34 young people showed up, which we thought was pretty darn good.  Some of the leaders went out and actually gathered them up in a van.  It took several trips to get them all.  They had to stay inside, but the youth enjoyed the well planned event. 

I did get a photo of institute class, which we visited Saturday night.
L. to R. President Gordon, Elwayne (leaving on his mission next week), Nikita, Micah, Ellsworth (teacher), and Henry.
Again this week Elder Pattee helped some branch members get names ready to take on the temple trip next week. 

Hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving Day!  Belize doesn't celebrate an official day of thanks, so it will be just a regular day here.    Even so, we are very grateful for the gospel, a wonderful family, and dear friends--also the opportunity to be missionaries.  We miss you all.  

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