Brother and Sister Dunford (at right) were senior missionaries here in Belize City just previous to us. They and their children came on a cruise and had a few hours to come ashore in Belize.
The Dunford's children returned from their tour just in time to join us. The branch members were delighted to see the Dunfords again and meet their family.
Thank you for your service to Belize, Brother and Sister Dunford! We enjoyed your visit!
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Earlier in the week we got a frantic call from Rose. She had slipped out of her wheelchair and needed help. We picked up Sisters Clark and Villatoro and headed to her house. By the time we arrived, Rose's father had arrived and helped her back into her chair. We were happy to see that she was okay. It was Rose's birthday, so we were especially glad for an opportunity to wish her "Happy Birthday!"OSAC - Overseas Security Advisory Council
In our OSAC meeting, we were told that the population in Belize fell in 2010. The economy is struggling here just as in many countries of the world. Some of those that can are moving to other places. We were reminded that crime is up, but since the gang truce with police in September, things have been quieter.We found the best pizza we have eaten in Belize in a little place on our way home. There is no sign out front, but we think it was called Pasquale's. Next door was a small house with a papaya tree growing almost under the eaves. The rooster wanted his photo taken, too.
On Saturday Brother Smith invited us to his home in Sanhill, which is about 20 minutes outside of Belize City. He has served in many leadership callings here, including district president. He decided to treat us and four of the younger missionaries to a lobster fest. We have never seen so many lobsters. Needless to say, they were delicious!
A Caribbean lobster's claws look different than those of an Atlantic lobster.
Brother Smith loves the sea and has caught lobsters for many years. He told us of the time he and his brother had a contract to provide live lobsters to a man that flew them to Florida. They made an underwater cage and caught lobsters all month to put inside. They would feed the caged lobsters each night. The evening before the man from Florida was to come, the brother accidently left the door to the cage slightly ajar after he fed them. When the man arrived to get his load of lobsters, they had all escaped.
Brother Smith introduced us to his mother who is home bound. She has 13 children and over 150 posterity. She doesn't know the exact number of her grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. She inspired us as she told us about her life. Before we left, we all sang "I Am A Child of God" to her.
We enjoyed visiting with the younger members of the family, too.
We saw this iguana sunning himself as we were getting into the van to leave. Before heading home we tried to find some less active members that lived about a mile away. Unfortunately they were not home.
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